Interest rates are annualised, which means your balance earns interest every day, gradually reaching the full rate within a year. The best part? You don't have to wait a full year to cash in your earnings; you can withdraw your funds at any time.
On the funds you keep in Cash with fixed interest, you receive interest daily based on the lowest balance available from the day before. If you deposit money on a weekend, holiday, or the day before these, the funds you add will only count towards your balance in the Cash with fixed interest section starting from the following business day.
Your fixed interest rate depends on your plan: you’ll receive 2% as a Standard customer, and 4% as Prime. If your rate is promotionally increased, it will accrue to a maximum balance of €100,000: the balance exceeding this threshold will accrue your regular interest rate, on which we don’t apply balance limits.
Learn more about rates in this article.